Let our tweets of the week inspire you for whatever work you’re doing. Discover some gorgeous photography, creative designs and beautiful art!
Artist Twitter Backgrounds – Chagall | Viuu Blog http://ow.ly/4WmMK #twitterbackground #design #art
30 Best Examples of Bollywood Movie Posters | inspirationfeed.com http://ow.ly/4WzGc #posters (via @Inspirationf)
The Entertainment Lobby: Inspirational Cool Photos and Artworks http://ow.ly/4Wx8C #photography #photomanipulation (via @VJAkif)
27 Beautiful & Enticing Designer Websites http://ow.ly/4Xler #webdesign #digitalart #creativity (via @InspireMonkey)
The Coffee Mania – A Showcase of Fascinating Coffee Art – Logo Design Blog | Company Logos http://ow.ly/4Y6Ag #design (via @company_logos)
15 Free Watercolor Textures And Brushes |Top Design Magazine – Web Design and Digital Content http://ow.ly/4YjPA #brushes(via @topdesignmag)
Architecture, That Talks to Your Emotions | Cruzine http://ow.ly/4YkeG #architecture #design (via @cruzinecom)
50 Free and High-Quality Icon Sets – Noupe Design Blog http://ow.ly/4Ymr2 #icon #icons #graphicdesign (via @NoupeMag)
Bold and Beautiful Hand-Cut Paper Silhouettes – DesignSwan.com http://ow.ly/4YnyN #photomanipulation (via @DesignSwan)
Steve Coleman Photography Twitter Backgrounds http://ow.ly/4Z4yE #design #photography